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viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


Euthanasia is a dignity way to put end at dying life when there is not form to cure or treat illness. First time you can think that anybody can take a decision about the life or death. But we need remember that is a part of natural circle of the life, a day we born and other we die when we rather euthanasia we do with the moral responsibility.

A famous example is the Terri Schiavo case; she was diagnosed by doctors being in a persistent vegetative state since 1990, but in 1998 her husband petitioned the U.S. court remove the live support and then parent’s terri was opposite argues that she was conscious yet. 
After years in 2005 the court ordered removal the life support in March 18th and two week ago in March 31st she died.

I’m catholic, my church called the euthanasia like  crime because finish with the people life they said that human right and values are very important to society and reaffirm its compromise  with the human dignity.

In my country cases like Terri Schiavo explain morals dilemmas like bills about the human right to die. At the moment in Chile is prohibited practice euthanasia, but many social groups have argued that is necessary a health policy about the death, because the medical innovations will put in this controversial situations.

In my case if I was a vegetative State, I would ask finish with my life the most natural way possible.   

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