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viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

INAP: a better place to live (study)

I don’t Study in faculty, because we study multiples disciplines, we are Public affairs institute or INAP.  Unfortunately we are separated by distance: the school of public administration haven’t place to work by 2010 earthquake that destroyed our “Matte Palace”   at the moment we are in agustinas 2071 near brasil square. Ant the magister are in Santa Lucía buildings in this place works our scholars.
Few years ago, when I arrived to Matte Palace (2009) I was so happy and enthusiastic, but the first month was terrible for me, I hate all. I couldn’t stand here because it was as similar as the high school.
 But the time passed and I adapted, for example we haven’t green areas but we have to us to do creative things like papers research, play ping pong and play warcraft. We are so united and have different groups to debates, but ever finish a fight of “deaf ears”
In my case I’m INAP counsellor, I represent to student of my “faculty” now we fight to win the places of “Quimica y Farmacia” in Vicuña Mackenna 20 to the “INAP building” which will unite all parts of we institute and going to improve we actual condition to do public policy studies, improve that public administration and collaborate with the development our country.
To finish I like to explain that is priority that University council approves the INAP project in Vicuña Mackenna 20 to have more classrooms, better conditions to our teachers, an auditorium and other thing necessary in anywhere place where the University of Chile wants to do knowledge.
And now a live my career because the people who are is the  best! 

A green Day

to do


Euthanasia is a dignity way to put end at dying life when there is not form to cure or treat illness. First time you can think that anybody can take a decision about the life or death. But we need remember that is a part of natural circle of the life, a day we born and other we die when we rather euthanasia we do with the moral responsibility.

A famous example is the Terri Schiavo case; she was diagnosed by doctors being in a persistent vegetative state since 1990, but in 1998 her husband petitioned the U.S. court remove the live support and then parent’s terri was opposite argues that she was conscious yet. 
After years in 2005 the court ordered removal the life support in March 18th and two week ago in March 31st she died.

I’m catholic, my church called the euthanasia like  crime because finish with the people life they said that human right and values are very important to society and reaffirm its compromise  with the human dignity.

In my country cases like Terri Schiavo explain morals dilemmas like bills about the human right to die. At the moment in Chile is prohibited practice euthanasia, but many social groups have argued that is necessary a health policy about the death, because the medical innovations will put in this controversial situations.

In my case if I was a vegetative State, I would ask finish with my life the most natural way possible.   

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Politics: David Cameron calls for reform of European court of human rights

By Nicholas Watt & Owen Bowcott
Summarize by Teddy.
The Prime Minister of UK used his speech at the parliamentary assembly of the European Human Right council to reply the criticize of the European Human Right court about the new human right rules in UK, which were understood like a abusive impose limit time to finish on legal causes, rebirth the polemic.
Cameron said that the court is going too far and lose its legitimacy   when attack an efficient system of British management that achievements close cases support for civil liberty. Britain proposes a sunset clause that closes cases when they remain unresolved for two years or more.
By other hand Thorbjørn Jagland, the secretary general of European council argues that the people lose their international right when the courts lose power in the members’ states.
This clash can be a consequence of the public announces of British government about the change that they can lead in the European court to finish the serious abuses of human right by other members like Russia and Ukraine.
And the list go on with the last sentences of the court over people accused of terrorism and they’ve got low condemn that according to the British government the criminal is more protect than international security.
Britain wants to use its six month of presidency of council that finish in May to do the reforms over the work of the court.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Music: Waves across your mind

The music, for me, is a particular sort of language that destroys the linguistics barriers, which separate us. I love the Rhythms, sounds and songs because allow me explain things that with “The reason” I can’t. In this way my music is part of myself like it´s part of the culture of the world. The music creates identity and shows the soul of the people.

I want to listens new music, I love several rhythms and genders but I hate the junk music, I meant to say, hollow music that only purpose is buy a lot across the cheaper mime. I love music that describe the life, purpose, feelings, remembers and any aspect of own soul.

Few years ago I composed music in different musical instruments and was happy, but event in my life changed all, now a special moment only for me compose and play, try to explain part of myself that in my life I can’t.

On Balance I reckon the music is part of this world, without the life haven’t sense. In my case I sing (so so) in karaoke bars and enjoy with my friends, I write poems, compositions and sings to the girl, who I’m fell in love.

For finish I share you a part of a nice sing that a like, good bye.

“There is no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing, but I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs
With sepia-toned loving
Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together…”