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viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011


I’d like visit Scotland and its stunning Islands, more than a seven- hundred!  Because is a traditional magical and wonderful place, especially I want to visit “Ben Nevis” the highest point of United Kingdom.
Is interesting to know because although is ones of Kingdom like England, wales and Ireland, they have their own laws and constitutions.  In the way, they have own culture and religion. I’m going to study in England, but I like to study the Scotland society.
At the moment Scotland is coming to reforms practices about his relationship with U. K.  In May won the Scottish National Party, who has an independent focus about the politician in U.K.
If I live there, I will know the real situation and meet with politician and people of Scotland are very interesting for my understanding to why they are most independent in a U.K. traditional. 

At the moment, to know more about Scotland I read the “Herald Scotland” a newspaper more influence in this kingdom. The principal topics is about education and economy, curiously like Chile, the recession fears rice for Scottish economy and the teachers blamed  for pupils poor results.

To finish I recommend Scotland because is a place when you can see the human culture combined with beautiful natural landscapes.  

1 comentario:

  1. Hey very interesting place to travel. Sounds really nice! I will write on my list of countries to visits XD
