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viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

English Four: I will get it!!

Hello! Welcome to my English blog, I’d wish you read and comment my posts. I’m studying English four because I just finished a courses and don’t like miss the training, I want to learn more and growing up my English speech, also speak a lot with my classmates in class and ask about all doubts to teacher.
We supposed to be in vacations now, but we took a decision when we were in strikes: defend the free, quality and public education, to us and the future generations, I know that the things weren’t like we dreamed, but the 2011 was the strike years by us, the students of the University of Chile.
Today we pay the consequences, but in my own I’m happy and have the hope that the next year we can do that.
Christmas and summer time is an opportunity to share with other classmates an unusual and especial moment, time to study but also fun and thinks in the tomorrow.  

I watch TV but a bit.

I hardly ever watch TV, but when I do, I like to watch older films, documentaries or educational entertainment programs like “mythbusters”, “Citytour” and “Pawn Stars” in Discovery Channel, 13C and History Channel respectively. On Internet I like download oriental toons animation (Anime) and TV series in other language and cultures like “Misfits”, “Mr. Bean” and “Misery Bear”
Many years ago we had a blockbuster near of house, but it bankrupt and never more rent another films and then, when internet was opening up I browsed in streaming movies pages web and saw many films, the last year, I came to download bootleg films because this films don’t watch in Chile like “Scott Pilgrim V/S The world”
I don’t know If it’s the best film for me, but I loved it, because, it have good argument and incorporate many topics that I like. Scott Pilgrim V/S The world is a fantasy, comedy and action film, the Main Characters are Michael Cera (Scott) who is in love everyday until knows Ramona Flowers ( Mary Elizabeth winstead) a Hipster a beautiful girl who is singer but to capture her heart Scott must to fight with her ex boyfriends in matches as videogame fighters. 
I hate the mains channels of Chile, but something sees specifically programs like “Los 80” and “Expedientes S”
I can’t stand the soap operas and Celebrity Programs, because I hate the gossips. Moreover a Like the current affairs programs, like specials about something important.
To finish, I like to make a films about my adventures in my journey over the world.

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011


I’d like visit Scotland and its stunning Islands, more than a seven- hundred!  Because is a traditional magical and wonderful place, especially I want to visit “Ben Nevis” the highest point of United Kingdom.
Is interesting to know because although is ones of Kingdom like England, wales and Ireland, they have their own laws and constitutions.  In the way, they have own culture and religion. I’m going to study in England, but I like to study the Scotland society.
At the moment Scotland is coming to reforms practices about his relationship with U. K.  In May won the Scottish National Party, who has an independent focus about the politician in U.K.
If I live there, I will know the real situation and meet with politician and people of Scotland are very interesting for my understanding to why they are most independent in a U.K. traditional. 

At the moment, to know more about Scotland I read the “Herald Scotland” a newspaper more influence in this kingdom. The principal topics is about education and economy, curiously like Chile, the recession fears rice for Scottish economy and the teachers blamed  for pupils poor results.

To finish I recommend Scotland because is a place when you can see the human culture combined with beautiful natural landscapes.